الكاتب/ة الباحث/ة
Dr Fathi Ihmeideh
تاريخ الإصدار
Technology and digital media are now embedded in children’s daily lives and
can have signifcant impact on children’s early development and learning. Prepar-
ing early childhood teachers to integrate a variety of technologies into classroom
practices can be challenging. This study explores perceptions of preservice teach-
ers about technology integration into their educational programs and assesses their
satisfaction with such preparation. A total of 192 preservice teachers participated
in this study. Data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews.
Results indicated that preservice teachers held positive perceptions of the impor-
tance of technology and digital media integration in early childhood classrooms.
However, their satisfaction with their preparation for technology integration into
classrooms was less positive. Knowledge needs indicated by the preservice included
learning more about technology integration in practice, and how to engage children
in activities using technology and digital media. Based on the overall fndings, it
seems that teacher education programs need to develop stronger curricula that
address these concerns so that future teachers are more confdent and able to support
children’s learning through integration of technologies into their teaching practice.