نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

Leisure and Educational Activities in Palestinian Camps in Lebanon


Country: Lebanon

Children and Youth Center celebrated the end of its summer educational and recreational program in Shatila and Nahr El Bared Palestinian Camps in Lebanon. In cooperation with UNRWA, kindergartens, and parents, the program aimed at empowering 200 children and preparing them for the 1st and 2nd elementary grades, in order to reduce the average of failing and drop out.

On other hand, CYC received 350 children, 6-14 years, within a recreational educational program. The program included life skills, psychosocial support, games, singing, dancing, painting, interactive theatre playing, sports, handcrafts, trips, in addition to awareness about Child Rights, health care, nonviolence, friendship, integration among the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrian and other children participating in the activities.

To get more information, you can visit: https://cycshatila.org