نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

ANECD General Forum

The Arab Network for Early Childhood (ANECD) held its first regional forum, "Caring for Young Children in a Turbulent World: Development Strategies in Arab Countries," over three days, from September 8 to 10, 2023, in Cairo, Egypt. The forum was hosted by the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (ACCD).

The forum's main objective was to define strategic directions to support and enhance early childhood development in Arab countries through knowledge production, networking, collaboration, and advocacy to influence policies. It also aimed to create a space for discussions on the realities of early childhood care and development, its challenges, ways to improve it, and to provide an opportunity to showcase and discuss the role of the network and its partners in supporting research efforts in ECD. Additionally, it allowed participants to explore pioneering programs in this field across the Arab world.

The forum was attended by over 60 participants, including members and representatives of working groups, national networks, relevant ministries, Arab and international organizations, academics, and researchers in early childhood issues from 13 Arab countries: Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Oman, Mauritania, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

The first day featured parallel specialized sessions, covering topics such as ECD in crises, ECD and climate change, the early childhood workforce, children's rights, digital empowerment and cybersecurity, as well as an exhibition showcasing various early childhood development and care programs from different Arab countries.

The second day began with a session on academic and action research, highlighting key challenges and best practices in Arab countries, led by representatives from governmental entities, local, regional, and global NGOs, and academics. It also included discussions on establishing national early childhood networks, side workshops, and strategic directions for the Arab Network.

The third and final day was dedicated to internal meetings.