نتواصل لأجل أطفال سعداء
We Communicate For Happy Children

Establishment of the “Tunisian Network for Early Childhood


A founding meeting of the “National Early Childhood Network in Tunisia” was held on May 6, 2023. This meeting is part of ANECD’s framework that supports the establishment of national networks in member-states to serve the largest number of children in the Arab World. It also implements the memorandum of understanding between the “Arab Network” and the “Tunisian Association of Child Visitors.” 

A number of actors and supporters of early childhood issues and the rights of young children participated in the meeting at the national and regional levels, under the supervision of Ms. Beya Guezzi, a member of the Executive Committee of the ANECD,  and Mr. Mohamed El-Tayeb, the president of the Tunisian Association.

The “Tunisian Early Childhood Network” aims to support the field of early childhood development inside and outside Tunisia. It contributes to the advancement of this field through networking between the various actors in it, producing and disseminating knowledge, and advocating children’s issues so that they can enjoy their rights, especially their right to protection, comprehensive development, and well-being.