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We Communicate For Happy Children

Join the Global Dialogue on the Early Childhood Workforce


The Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) invites you to join a critical global discussion on the future of early childhood professionals and workers. This event will take place on 20 March 2025, at 9:00 AM (GMT), offering a platform to explore strategies for advancing and supporting the early childhood workforce worldwide.

Since 2016, ECWI has been working tirelessly to strengthen workforce policies, improve professionalization, and integrate well-being into early childhood workforce development. Now in its third phase, ECWI– in partnership with ANECD, ISSA, AfECN, and ARNEC- is advancing cross-regional efforts to ensure early childhood professionals receive the training, recognition, and support they deserve.

This Global Dialogue will bring together policymakers, donors, and leading organizations to discuss strategies for elevating and supporting the early childhood workforce. The event will highlight the achievements and Regional Networks, amplify evidence-based advocacy efforts, and mobilize greater investments in professionalization, mental health, and systemic workforce reforms.

Register here.