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We Communicate For Happy Children

The Lancet: Data for action on early childhood development



Professor Linda Richter, from the University of Witwatersrand, Mrs. Claudia Cappa, Senior Advisor Statistics and Monitoring from UNICEF, Dr. Ghassan Issa, the director of ANECD, Mrs. Chunling Lu, Associate Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Mrs. Nicole Petrowski, Consultant at UNICEF, and Mrs. Sara N Naicker, Research project manager at the University of Witwatersrand, has reviewed and commented on the data that is revealed in the new updated ECD country profiles. The work on the Comment was supported by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Collective Fund Award, and the article was then published in the commentary section of the Lancet Journal.


The article analyzes the results and the methodologies used to collect the data in both Low-/ middle- income countries and High- income countries, showing the substantial threats and challenges hindering the development of the early childhood sector as well as the urge to intervene. The commentary also pointed out the efforts and the progress done in the field that is laying the ground for encouraging initiatives and improvements especially in the light of ECD data collection, measurements, and monitoring becoming mainstreamed.


Read the article on ANECD’s website, here