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The New Ecology of Early Childhood Development: An International Perspective


Published by the Stanford Center on Early Childhood, Stanford University.
Authors: Philip A. Fisher, PhD, and Joan Lombardi, PhD.

24 March 2025
The Stanford Center on Early Childhood published a study titled The New Ecology of Early Childhood: Revisiting Bronfenbrenner’s Theory in the Context of Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities. While the study focuses on the United States, Dr. Lombardi, one of its co-authors, provided ANECD with an introduction offering an international perspective. The introduction reads as follows:

     “In writing the New Ecology of Early Childhood, Dr. Phil Fisher and I reflected on the continued importance of the Ecological Systems Theory put forth by Dr. Bronfenbrenner several decades ago, as well as the changing context that children and families face today. We wrote this as a working paper to encourage dialogue about the fast-changing contemporary conditions that serve as the context for child development, the uncertainty and unpredictability that such conditions may be causing, and the solutions that are emerging at the community and country level.

While the paper highlights four conditions, if we look across countries, an international perspective might include, among others: the persistence of poverty and inequality, urbanization, climate change and environmental issues, conflict, displacement, technology, gender equality, and the need for early care.

To start the conversations, it is best to ask caregivers themselves what issues they are facing and what they need to help them provide nurturing care for their young children. Support for children and families recognizes the ecological approach to service delivery and includes dual generation strategies, the development of early childhood community systems, and more national and global coordination across sectors as well as investments right from the start”.


Returning to the study, Bronfenbrenner’s theory, which originally developed in the 1970s, emerged as a response to the limitations of traditional, laboratory-based child development research, which often overlooked the broader societal, cultural, and environmental contexts. Over time, it evolved into the Bioecological Model, incorporating genetic and environmental factors.

The model encompasses five concentric systems: the microsystem (immediate contexts such as family and school), the mesosystem (interactions between microsystems), the exosystem (indirect environments like parental workplaces), the macrosystem (societal and cultural forces), and the chronosystem (temporal changes). This framework emphasizes the dynamic, reciprocal interplay between these layers, highlighting the multifaceted nature of child development.

The authors explore how contemporary issues—such as poverty, climate change, technological proliferation, and the increasing demand for quality childcare—intersect with Bronfenbrenner’s model. They underscore the growing unpredictability and instability in children’s environments, which have profound implications for their developmental trajectories. The study culminates in a set of strategic recommendations aimed at refining policy, advancing best practices, and guiding future research to maximize the potential for optimal child development in the 21st century.

Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood
The study identifies four critical issues currently shaping early childhood experiences:

  1. Persistent Poverty and Growing Inequality
    Notwithstanding initiatives like Head Start, childhood poverty remains pervasive, with 1 in 5 U.S. children under five living in impoverished conditions. Structural inequities disproportionately impact Black and Native American children, while 40% of families experience material deprivation, including food insecurity, exacerbating developmental challenges.
  2. Inadequate Access to High-Quality Childcare

As enrollment in early childcare programs rises, the supply of quality care lags significantly. Providers face low wages and high turnover, contributing to instability in caregiving, which adversely affects children’s emotional and social development.

  1. Climate Change and Environmental Vulnerabilities
    Children are especially susceptible to the repercussions of climate change, including exposure to extreme weather, air pollution, and emerging infectious diseases. Over half of families report experiencing environmental crises, such as wildfires and floods, which disrupt children’s environments for development.
  2. Ubiquitous Digital Technology
    While digital technologies offer educational opportunities, they also present risks such as delayed language acquisition and obesity. Excessive screen time diminishes parental responsiveness, exacerbating behavioral challenges in children.

Strategic Recommendations for Supporting Children and Families
The authors propose five imperative actions:

  1. Elevate Parent and Provider Perspectives
    Utilize narrative-driven advocacy and empirical research to highlight contemporary challenges.
  2. Expand Multigenerational Support Structures
    Integrate early childhood services with healthcare and economic support to combat cycles of poverty.
  3. Strengthen Community-Based Networks
    Foster localized support systems to mitigate family isolation.
  4. Advocate for Progressive Policies
    Expand paid leave, childcare subsidies, and child tax credits.
  5. Promote Research and Innovation
    Invest in solutions addressing disparities and environmental adaptation.

By leveraging Bronfenbrenner’s theoretical framework, the study advocates for context-sensitive, adaptive strategies to ensure children’s well-being amidst the complexities of modern society.