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We Communicate For Happy Children

What Education Do We Want?


Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Regional Office Palestine published a booklet that summarizes the outcome of a discussion process on “Emancipatory Education in Palestine, What Education Do We Want”, edited by Dr. Ghassan Abdullah in 2016. The process included a series of workshops in 2016, which brought together organizations and individuals working in different forms of emancipatory education. After some discussion and reviewing the literature, participants found out that Palestinians had addressed this concept before Paulo Freire and had come up with similar or even more comprehensive ideas. An example is Khalil Sakakini who lived half a century before Paulo Freire. Participants discussed Palestinian experiences with alternative education and free thought in schools, universities, political parties, labor unions, and even prisons. Participants contributed ideas that were “outside the box” and proposed future initiatives and projects that could be used to localize and disseminate the concept of emancipatory education. You can find the booklet on:
