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We Communicate For Happy Children

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Save the children of Palestine...Ceasefire NOW!

Save the children of Palestine...Ceasefire NOW. It is the time for truth. Whatever we say, advocate for, and do becomes void if we remain silent about 'unchilding' our children in Gaza- turning them into mere numbers to be sacrificed as worthless collateral damage. Humanity cannot live in peace and justice if we disregard this deliberate mass killing of our children.

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Statement on the violence in Israel and Palestine

An immediate and unconditional cease fire to preserve the lives of children and caregivers and ensure all components of nurturing care are available to them.

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One Child Martyred Every 15 Minutes in Gaza

No Peace Without Justice and Equality -Palestinian Children Must Get Their Full Rights Now

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No Peace for Palestine's Children Without Justice, No Future for them Without Protection

The scorched-land policy and the suffocating blockade are a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and a war crime against children and their families in Gaza.

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Lebanon ECD Situational Assessment Study

In 2022, ANECD conducted a situational assessment study of the ECD status in Lebanon.

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