The International Pediatric Association (IPA) invites you to participate in a webinar titled
“Fragile beginnings: the impact of conflict and displacement on early childhood development”.
For Registration
Caregivers’ mental health is crucial for the well-being of children. The Caring for the Caregiver (CFC) package, developed by UNICEF, WHO, and WITS University, provides vital support for caregivers in resource-constrained settings, improving emotional well-being and social support to ensure better child development outcomes.
This evidence-based package, created with support from the LEGO Foundation, is now ready for global roll-out!
Language Interpretation: Arabic, French, and Spanish available.
Don’t miss the chance to learn more about this transformative initiative!
RSVP now and be part of the change!
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The Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies are guidelines and a general framework to ensure the provision of quality, appropriate, and relevant education during crises and emergencies. These standards, numbering 19, aim to improve preparedness, response, and recovery phases, providing safe and suitable learning opportunities, and ensuring accountability of those responsible for delivering these services.
Between 2021 and 2024, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) launched a comprehensive project to update these standards, which were first published in 2010. This initiative aimed to address missing or incomplete topics, enhance text clarity, and improve the format and navigation of both digital and printed versions to increase accessibility and usability. The updated version of these standards for 2024 was successfully launched in English in April of this year.
INEE is pleased to announce the formation of Translation Review Groups (TRGs) for these standards, 2024 edition, in Arabic, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. If you are interested in joining a Translation Review Group, please fill out the appropriate electronic form by August 30, 2024.
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The upcoming webinar talks about Parenting in Crisis, you 'll explore how to best support parents and caregivers during such challenging times. It will hold the following: Panel discussion on how to apply a gender-transformative lens to parenting during times of crisis. Latest research findings exploring best practices for parenting interventions in humanitarian contexts and spotlight on early-career researchers. Real-life stories from the field: learn from those working to support parents in multiple countries and contexts.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.
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«The Green Learning Community» (GREELCO) online study visits offer virtual visits to kindergartens across eight countries where participants have a chance to:
-Meet the dedicated teachers and learn about their practices.
-Get to know fellow professionals, connect and cooperate.
-Exchange knowledge, experience and examples of good practices, which can contribute to increasing the level of connection between kindergarten professionals from different countries.
Come along with (GREELCO) for the next study visit at the Kindergarten Gradinita cu program Prelungit nr.22 Botoșani, Romania!
Join the 1000+ professionals in the (GREELCO) community by registering for free and signing up for the upcoming online study visit.
Language: English
For Registration
Join this enlightening webinar that delves into the critical role of father involvement in child development from conception to six years of age. This event will offer valuable insights and practical guidance for professionals and policymakers dedicated to enhancing family support systems.
Key Questions Addressed:
Program Development: How can a set of indicators guide the development of programs targeting professionals and families, especially fathers or fathers-to-be?
Policy Informing: Which indicators should be monitored through parent-targeting services to inform policies and programs aimed at increasing fathers' engagement?
Data Utilization: What can existing data at various levels (program, service, country, regional, global) teach us about father engagement in child development to help formulate impactful indicators?
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This webinar, organized by UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, WHO Regional Office for Europe, and the International Step by Step Association under the auspices of the Health Systems for Early Childhood Development initiative will showcase cutting-edge UNICEF and WHO resources designed to elevate child health and development across Europe and Central Asia.
Gain new perspectives on the role of health care in child development, discover powerful tools like the Early Childhood Development Situation Analysis, learn about innovative practices from country experts, and be part of a movement to help every young child thrive.
Languages: English with simultaneous interpretation in Russian. Other languages may be added based on interest and support from countries.
For Registration
Humanitarian crises can harm both caregivers and children. While a nurturing caregiver-child relationship can mitigate crisis impacts, caregiver mental health struggles may hinder their ability to provide support. Prioritizing caregiver well-being and leveraging family strengths significantly shapes children's crisis experiences. To address this, the MHPSS Collaborative, alongside Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, INEE, and GISP, will host a webinar on May 22 on supporting caregiver well-being in crises, sharing evidence and best practices globally.
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The ECDiE Programming Guidance Note is a set of tools and resources to support the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. It is organized around the three main phases of the emergency cycle: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. In addition, the Guidance Note includes specific resources for Coordination and Monitoring and Evaluation for quality ECDiE. In each section, users will find guidance around core actions and relevant resources to support their work.
For Registration
Join the webinar “Elevating Children in the Climate Change Agenda: Lessons Learned from COP28 and the Way Forward” to discuss strategies to put children at the center of climate action.
This webinar will serve as a global briefing of the lessons learned from collective efforts undertaken at COP28 and the roadmap toward making COP30 the “Children’s COP.” More immediately, the webinar will provide an update on the upcoming “expert dialogue on children and climate change to discuss the disproportionate impacts of climate change on children and relevant policy solutions” in Bonn, Germany, on June 4, 2024, as part of the SB60, Subsidiary Bodies at the World Conference Center Bonn.
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Language and Interpretation: English
For Registration
The webinar will introduce the Engaging Men in Nurturing Care multi-country initiative aimed at influencing the policy discourse and practices at home and in services in three cities in Italy, Portugal and Spain. Simultaneously, the initiative engages in national and European policy discourses about gender equity and shared responsibilities in informal care, aiming to champion city level interventions targeting policy makers, multi-sectoral professionals, pre- and in-service providers, fathers and father-to-be, and employers in a comprehensive approach towards creating enabling and supportive environments for father engagement.
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Learn how the Nurturing Care Framework can be used at national and subnational levels within the context of multisectoral monitoring and evaluation systems and hear a practical country example of its application in this context.
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This webinar will unpack the role of developmental screening tools in providing care and services to young children and their families and their importance as a central component of national data collection systems. Data specialists will hear about criteria that can be useful in evaluating and assessing how to select the most appropriate screening tool. The second half of the webinar will highlight implementation considerations within formal and informal systems.
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INEE pleased to invite you to a webinar on Understanding MHPSS and Situational Analysis in Gaza.
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The AMNA Foundation will be conducting a training next week on the 28th and 29th of February on setting up safe spaces for children and families affected by conflict. The training is free to join and you can share it with the organizations, frontline practitioners, and volunteers working with families and children affected by conflict. Arabic interpretation is also available.
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INEE and the ERICC Research Consortium are pleased to invite you to a webinar on data systems in education in conflict and crisis settings!
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On July 18th, 2023, the Research Forum at the Moving Minds Alliance (MMA) hosted a webinar titled "Amplifying Research Voices & Highlighting Young Children in Emergency Settings: Latin America & the Caribbean". The event featured presentations from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on the situation of children, Mexican young children seeking asylum at the Mexico-U.S. border, and the need to gather data on migrant children. The goal is to amplify emerging research and address the challenges faced by these children in the region.
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The Moving Minds Alliance Research Forum and ANECD invite you to attend the Amplifying Research Voices & Highlighting Young Children in Emergency Settings: Webinar #2
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The International Step by Step Foundation (ISSA) invites you to attend a week of online meetings where the Foundation hosts four sessions to support more expertise and influence within the network.
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This webinar will formally launch ‘From most vulnerable to most valuable: A scoping study to put young children at the heart of climate actions and environmental protection'
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ISSA has joined forces with UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and WHO Europe to strengthen the focus and support for holistic child development in routine health care for all children.
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