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The Lancet: Data for action on early childhood development

Professor Linda Richter, from the University of Witwatersrand, Mrs. Claudia Cappa, Senior Advisor Statistics and Monitoring from

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Early Childhood Development Strategy in Jordan

​​​​​This study in Arabic presents ECD Strategy in Jordan. This project is a result of cooperation between Jordan National Council for Family Affairs and UNICEF.

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National Strategy for Early Childhood Care Development in Syria

This document in Arabic presents ECCD Strategy in Syria. It includes the future vision, the goals and the principles that the strategy is built upon.

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Early Childhood Development Strategy in Egypt

This document in Arabic presents ECD Strategy in Egypt, 2005-2010. This project is a result of cooperation between Egypt Ministry of Education, AGFUND, and UNESCO Office in Cairo.

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National Strategy for Development and Early Childhood Intervention 2017-2022, Palestine

The Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Health and Social Development worked with the other concerned partners to develop the National Strategy for Development and Early Childhood Interventi

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Tunisia approves a national strategy for Early Childhood Development

Tunisia had published its National Multi-sectoral strategy for Early Childhood Development.

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Children in Difficult Circumstances & Conflict, a compilation of material for parents, schools and psycho-social support practitioners, Developed by Hyam Lotfi, ARC, 2008

This collection of articles (in Arabic) aims to provide parents, schools, psychosocial support practitioners and others with sufficient information on children in difficult circumstances and confli

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INEE Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning, 2010

​​​​​​Building on the INEE Minimum Standards, the Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning articulate good practice on critical issues related to curricula adaptation and

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Understanding and Using the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction Education, Workbook, March 2006

This Handbook is designed to give governments and humanitarian workers the tools that they need to address the Education for All and UN Millennium Development Goals:

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Early Childhood in Syria between Rubble and Hope

In a grim assessment of the conflict’s impact on children, UNICEF published in March 2017 a press release press release marking the sixth year of the Syria crisis.

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