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Relief efforts for families and children who were affected by the Beirut Blast

The United Nations, its partners, and other local and regional associations and institutions are working on medium-term interventions to pave the way for long-term recove

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Sudan's floods: implication on children and the need for intervention

Sudan witnesses flood almost every year, but this year, the floods were catastrophic due to the unprecedented amount of rain that fell, which some considered the highest

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The Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance Webinar

The Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance’s (LPHA) Coordination Committee invites you to attend their special virtual zoom session on “The COVID-19 Pandemic: from the global, local and regional perspe

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The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) Advisory and Executive Committee meeting

The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) Advisory and Executive Steering Committee met in September 2016 in New York

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“Local Responses, Global Advances: Towards Competent Early Childhood Systems, International Step by Step Association Annual conference

The International Step by Step Association (ISSA) released the March Issue of its newsletter including news on its training, resources, and updates of their board.

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The Lancet Series Launched in Dubai

The Lancet Series, “Advancing Early Childhood Development: from Science to Scale”, was launched in Dubai in March 2017.

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Lebanon, Higher Council for Childhood: Alert/Ntebho Online Campaign

The ministry of Social Affairs/Higher Council of Childhood launched in March 2017 an online campaign called “Ntebho_Online” highlighting that “the virtual world is as real a

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Early Childhood Development and Mental Health

The “Arab Resource Collective” and “Plan International” organized two training workshops in Jordan, in April 2017.

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Early Childhood Resource Center: Workforce Capacity Building

The Early Childhood Resource Center is (ECRC) is a Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization established in 1985 to improve the education of young children in Palestine.

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