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BvLF Early Childhood Matters

Bernard van Leer Foundation published “Early Childhood Matters” in June 2017 under the title “Moving Forwards by Reflection Back: Early Childhood Matters 2017.

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UNESCO Mainstreaming SDG 4

UNESCO published a manual entitled “Mainstreaming SDG 4 – Education 20130 in sector-wide policy and planning, Technical Guidelines for UNESCO Field Offices”.

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Social Media Toolkit Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce at Scale

The Early Childhood Workforce, an initiative hosted by International Step by Step Association and Results for Development, launched a study that examined the sustainability and scale-up of a home v

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GPEI Polio News

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative published its newsletter, “Polio News”, and it marked the issue by honoring unsung heroes who are working to end the disease on World Polio Day, October 24.

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UNICEF Report: Children under attack, Yemen, January 2018

In January 2018, UNICEF issued a report, “Children under attack: Born into war, 1000 days of lost childhood”.

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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Special Issue: Implementation Research and Practice for Early Childhood Development

A special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Special Issue in May 2018 focused on the Implementation Research and Practice for Early Childhood Development.

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"World Bank's Report: "Missed Opportunities: The High Cost of Not Educating Girls

The World Bank issued a report (July 2018) titled “Missed Opportunities: The High Cost of Not Educating Girls.”

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UNICEF's blog “Getting every child ready to learn”

On its website, the UNICEF published a blog post titled “Getting every child ready to learn”.

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UNICEF Early Childhood Education Assessment Report

The Regional Office for UNICEF in Europe and Central Asia issued a report assessing the status and quality of education for the early childhood phase in the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and

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Blog on the Role of Education Sector in Nurturing Care

Since nurturing care is getting global attention, Bernard Van Leer posted a blog in January 2018 sharing thoughts on the role of the education sector aligning with health and child protection in th

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