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Article about a comprehensive program for supporting refugee parents and children

Dr. Ghassan Issa, Director of ANECD, published an article on Apolitcal website titled “Refugee Kids need more than food and shelter. This Parenting Program helps.” In the article, Dr.

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Arab Country Profiles

On 22 September 2019, Countdown to 2030 women’s, children’s and adolescent health, launched updated ECD profiles of 138 low and middle-income countries at the United Nations General Assembly.

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Urgent appeal for children of Syria

An appeal issued by UNICEF on December 3, 2020 stated that “the scale, severity and complexity of the humanitarian needs in the Syrian remain extensive.

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e-Atlas for Education 2030

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is launching two tools to start the process of Monitoring progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education: an e-Atlas for Education 20

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Global Education Monitoring Report 2016

UNESCO released the Global Education Monitoring Report 2016, Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All.

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Launching the Lancet series: presenting early childhood development

The 2016 Lancet Series on Early Childhood Development was published in October 2016: Advancing Early Childhood Development, From Science to Scale.

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Safe spaces for Children campaign

According to the Early Childhood Consultative Group (ECCG), the organization “Theirworld” launched on September 18, 2016 the Safe Spaces report, as part of Best Start ECD campaign.

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American University Medical Center, 48th Middle East Medical Assembly’s roundtable: Children Cannot Wait.

A roundtable discussion on the special needs of children with neuro-developmental disabilities in times of conflict will be held as part of the 48th Middle East Medical Asse

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UNICEF and EU: Child Rights Toolkit in Lebanon

On February 22, 2017, UNICEF Beirut Office and the European Union launched Child Rights Toolkit in Lebanon that aims at integrating child rights in development cooperation.

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Global Education Financing Campaign

The Global Education Campaign launched a call for action on how civil society organisations could unite and work together in 2017 and beyond to increase and improve education financing in order to

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